
Refund Policy

Refund Policy

1.0 Descripton and Scope:

We may collect the following information: This policy describes refund provisions available to candidates for all registrations and other service charges received by Dreams Career Guidance for the services provided to the candidates of Dreams Career Guidance.

2.0 Responsibility:

The Accounts Manager and Division Heads have the overall responsibility of this policy under the direction of the Chairman & MD.

3.0 Authority:

This procedure is issued by MR and approved by OD and can be amended only by him/her.

4.0 Definitions:

Refund- A repayment of fees and funds collected by Dreams Career Guidance for the provision of a service. Candidate- refers to Student and also means a learner, enterprise or organization that uses or purchases the services provided by Dreams Career Guidance

  • MR-Management Representative
  • OD-Operations Director
  • MD-Managing Director
  • RP-Refund Policy

5.0 Procedure:

Refunds are made in accordance with the procedure as outlined in the following section.

  • Candidates/ Students who withdraw from a service that they registered for and wish to seek a refund or have the amount they owe on their service charges reduced, must apply to Dreams Career Guidance in writing, outlining the details and reason for their request within 24 hours of payment done.
  • Candidates/Students who selected the courses only 2 seats left from website must submit the refund form within 12 hours
  • Candidates/Students who have not completed a refund form are not eligible for consideration of a refund or reduction in service charges
  • All refund requests must be backed up by written proofs of the claims.
  • Refunds will be paid to the candidate by the method of their choice. Dreams Career Guidance does not give refunds via cash and digital wallets.
  • Copies of all documents will be held on student profiles in CRM.
  • This refund policy will be made available to candidates and prospective candidates through Dreams Career Guidance representatives.
  • All refunds are finalized within 30 days from the date of submission of the approved refund form by the candidate.
  • GST and other tax payments will not be refunded.
  • Amount paid (at actuals) by the candidate to authorities like nursing board, immigration etc. which are not in the control of Dreams Career Guidance, will not be refunded.
  • Course fee paid to college/university/institution will be refunded as per the stipulated terms and timeframes of that Institution. A separate application form needs to be filled for this purpose, based on the advice from the institution.
  • Once the refund claim is settled, no further queries will be entertained by Dreams Career Guidance pertaining to that claim.

6.0 Records:

Records of refunds paid will be maintained in the Student Profile in CRM and Refund Register maintained in Accounts Department